Bronzed and Beyond

Bronzed & Beyond

We spoke with a few of our TARC Influencers about their 2022 resolutions, goals, and plans. Enjoy what they’ve shared.

ORGANIZATION: My resolutions for this year are to work at being more organized by using a planner, and to practice better skin care by using sunscreen and lotion while being in the field with the crew.
Dante Cavazos / Operations

Fernando Chavez

FOCUSED on better health and wellness. Making the most of the time given, and closing the health rings on my Apple Watch. Another big personal goal is to take a walk outside and enjoy the sunshine more often.
Fernando Chavez / Controller

HEALTH & FAMILY: My New Year’s resolution is to exercise and eat healthy for me and my family.
Tamara Cavazos / CFO

Gabe Mazotti, Estimator

ELIMINATE STRESS: My New Year resolution is to eat well and stay eating well. I’m also going to focus on worrying less to limit my stress levels.
Gabe Mazotti / Estimator

LUCKY CHARMS: This year I want to travel and explore the country of Ireland.
Sean Hall / Operations

Bill Ruiz - Operations

EAT WELL: The one thing I would like to accomplish by the end of the year is to clean up my diet and work on building a sustainable and healthier lifestyle for the years to come.
Bill Ruiz / Operations

Christian Ghigliazza

MUSICAL INTERLUDES: Our family won a guitar in a raffle right before Covid, so I’d like to start learning to play it this year.
Christian Ghigliazza / Accounting Clerk

Michael Maida, Estimator

PURA VIDA: In 2022 I’m planning a trip to Costa Rica with my daughter.
Michael Maida / Estimator

Bonne Maurer

CONTROL & GROWTH: Focus more on my personal growth/development and worry less about things that are outside of my control
Bonnie Maurer / Accounting Clerk