Drainage Drainage Drainage: Keep it Clear!

Drainage Drainage Drainage: Keep it Clear!

With winter approaching, the importance of maintaining drainage systems becomes paramount. “Drainage, Drainage, Drainage: Keep it Clear!” is not just a catchy slogan, but a vital practice for roads and parking lot safety and infrastructure longevity. Before winter, it’s crucial to inspect drainage systems, including drain inlets, pipes, and channels, to ensure they are free of obstructions.

This is key to preventing water from pooling on roads and causing hazards. Clearing drain inlets of leaves, debris, and litter is essential. Blocked inlets can lead to water pooling, road and parking lots flooding, and dangerous ice formation in cold climates. Effective drainage protects pavement by preventing water from standing or pooling. Water infiltration can weaken the pavement’s sub-base, leading to cracks, potholes, and pavement surface collapse, especially with the colder temperature cycle in winter.

Proper drainage maintenance offers economic benefits by prolonging pavement life and reducing repair costs. Environmentally, it manages stormwater, minimizes soil erosion, and keeps pollutants from waterways. As we head into winter, focusing on “Drainage, Drainage, Drainage: Keep it Clear!” ensures pavement safety and longevity. Regular drainage maintenance is a simple yet crucial step towards a safer, more sustainable environment.